Web Registration Forms

Web Registration Forms

We offer a comprehensive Registration Forms service that goes beyond the basics. We understand that your organization's application process demands precision, security, and efficiency. Our solution is designed to meet these needs and more.

Key Features:

Customized Application Design: Tailored to Your Needs

  • We create online applications that align seamlessly with your unique requirements.

Document Upload: Easy and Error-Free

  • Applicants can effortlessly upload essential documents, such as photos, signatures, and certificates, ensuring a complete and error-free application submission.

Customer Approval: Your Control, Your Say

  • Every online application is submitted to you for review and confirmation before it goes live.

Quality Inspection & Testing: Flawless Functionality

  • Rigorous quality testing ensures that your online application functions flawlessly, minimizing the risk of technical glitches.

Dedicated Server Hosting: High Performance & Security

  • Your online application is hosted on a dedicated server with a 99.99% uptime guarantee, ensuring optimal performance and security.

Payment Gateway Integration: Convenient Fee Collection

  • Seamlessly collect application fees through our integrated online payment gateway, providing a hassle-free payment process for applicants.

Real-Time Admin Panel: Stay in Control

  • Monitor the application process in real-time through our user-friendly admin panel. Manage the entire process with ease.

Automated Processes: Streamlined Operations

  • Our system automates key processes, including roll number allotment, centre allocation, and online admit card hosting, reducing administrative workload.

Reporting and Printing: Data at Your Fingertips

  • Generate various reports, including roll lists, alpha lists, and attendance sheets, and print the information you need when you need it.

Call Letter Management: Effortless Distribution

  • Easily upload and distribute call letters to selected candidates through our intuitive platform.

Communication Hub: Applicants Stay Informed

  • Keep applicants informed at every stage with our integrated SMS and email service, sending notifications and updates.

Dedicated Support: Technical Assistance

  • We provide a dedicated helpline and email service to assist candidates with any technical queries or issues they may encounter during the application process.

Advanced Logging and Security:

  • Capture logs of candidate form filling for comprehensive record-keeping.
  • Grant single-session login permissions for enhanced security
  • Record IP addresses for candidate login sessions as per your requirements.
  • Log and track successful and unsuccessful login attempts.

Validation Built-In: Error-Free Data

  • Application forms hosted on our platform come with built-in validations to ensure error-free data collection.

Server Backup and Uptime Guarantee:

  • Our application/dedicated servers are hosted in a data centre with a 99.99% uptime guarantee.
  • Enjoy on-demand memory and space upgrades as needed.
  • Benefit from VM backup and restore capabilities, guaranteeing 99.99% uptime.

Analytics Reports: Data-Driven Insights

  • Access analytics reports tailored to your specific requirements, enabling data-driven decision-making.

  • Large number of discerning institutions have relied on our customized services for decades for their registration needs. Our experienced in-house team can turnaround forms in a matter of few days and have all other services such as payment gateway, Aadhaar integration etc. in place. With Datatec you can transform your application process into a seamless and efficient journey for both your organization and your applicants. Simplify recruitment, admissions, and more with our comprehensive solution.